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Saturday, July 22, 2023

Creating an animated series with AI apps

   Creating an animated series with AI apps


Creating an animated series with AI apps can be a fascinating way to bring your stories to life. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Develop Your Story and Characters: Begin by developing your story and characters. Create a compelling narrative with engaging characters that will captivate your audience. Outline the key plot points, character arcs, and overall structure of your animated series

Choose an AI Animation Tool: Research and choose an AI animation tool that aligns with your needs and budget. There are various AI-powered animation apps available, such as Vyond, CrazyTalk Animator, or Reallusion, that can assist you in creating animations with ease.

Familiarize Yourself with the AI App: Take the time to learn how to use the chosen AI animation tool. Explore its features, functionalities, and interface. Many AI apps provide tutorials, documentation, or online communities where you can seek assistance and learn from other users.

Create Storyboards: Storyboarding is crucial to plan and visualize each scene of your animated series. Sketch out the key moments and camera angles for each scene, along with any necessary dialogue or actions. Storyboards act as a blueprint for your animations and help maintain consistency in your storytelling.                                                                                                                        

Generate Character Designs: Design your characters by creating visual representations of their appearance, features, and personalities. Depending on the capabilities of the AI app you're using, you may be able to create custom characters within the application or import pre-made character templates.

Animate the Scenes: Utilize the AI app's animation tools to bring your characters and scenes to life. Follow the app's guidelines to animate characters, apply movements, gestures, and expressions. Use the timeline feature to manage the timing and sequencing of each scene.

Add Dialogue and Sound Effects: Incorporate dialogue and sound effects to enhance the audio experience of your animated series. Depending on the AI app, you may be able to add voiceovers, import audio files, or use text-to-speech features to generate character voices.

Edit and Refine: Review and edit your animated series to ensure smooth transitions, coherent storytelling, and high-quality visuals. Make any necessary adjustments, refine animations, and optimizetiming to create a polished final product.

Export and Share: Export your animated series in a suitable format that meets your distribution needs.Consider the platforms where you intend to share your series, such as YouTube, social media, or streaming services. Comply with their specifications regarding resolution, file size, and format.

Promote and Engage: Once your animated series is ready, promote it across various channels to build an audience and engage with viewers. Leverage social media platforms, create a dedicated website or YouTube channel, and actively participate in relevant communities to gain exposure and gather feedback.

It's important to note that while AI apps can assist in automating parts of the animation process, they may have limitations in terms of complexity and customization. Depending on the desired level of control and artistic expression, you may need to supplement the AI-generated animations with additional manual work.


Experiment with different AI animation tools, explore their capabilities, and iterate on your techniques to improve the quality of your animated series over time.



Thursday, July 6, 2023




Maharishi Parashara was such a sage who had told what would happen in the coming Kaliyuga in ancient times. Not only this also he described how to lead life in the coming Kaliyuga and what would be the rules and regulations of worshiping God. Other than this, his life itself was no less than a mystery. His pastimes had begun even before he was born, but many of us have very little knowledge about him, so we have decided to make a detailed presentation on Maharishi Parashar so that the new generation can get knowledge about Maharishi Parashar along with other famous mythological characters.

In this presentation, we will not only display the life events of Maharishi Parashar, but the predictions made by him, the destruction of the demon race. Will try to elaborate the story from teaching King Manojav the use and practice of divine weapons to getting his lost kingdom back after fighting with an invader, tyrant, and elusive king.
We request you please help us. We need financial and technical support to make this presentation successful. This presentation can be displayed in one or more forms or options such as comics or graphic novels, web animated series (YouTube, Amazon Prime, Netflix, In theatres), or Live action movie. The success of this project entirely depends on the kind of support we get in future. If any organization, publication or financier wants to join this project, they can contact us on this e-mail address. tusharentstudio@gmail.com Individuals are welcome if they want to contribute in our project.
follow us:- https://www.facebook.com/TusharEnt.Studio/
Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/bhupender_ahluwalia/

Project Status

plot/story/screenplay--------------Ready for edit                

Characterization--------------------- Complete                 

Formatting for animation---------Complete                   


Comic Book---------------------------In pogress                 

Pilot episode -------------------------In progress                

महर्षि पराशर एक ऐसे ऋषि थे जिन्होंने प्राचीन काल में ही बता दिया था कि आने वाले कलियुग में क्या होगा। इतना ही नहीं उन्होंने यह भी बताया कि आने वाले कलियुग में जीवन कैसे जीना चाहिए और भगवान की पूजा के क्या नियम होंगे। इसके अलावा, उनका जीवन अपने आप में किसी रहस्य से कम नहीं था । उनके जन्म से पहले ही उनकी लीलाएँ शुरू हो गई थीं। परन्तु हम में से बहुत लोग उनके विषय में बहुत कम ज्ञान रखते हैं, अतः हमने निश्चय किया है कि महर्षि पराशर पैर एक विस्तृत प्रस्तुति बनाई जाए ताकि नई पीढ़ी को अन्य प्रसिद्ध पौराणिक पत्रों के साथ साथ महर्षि पराशर विषय के विषय में भी ज्ञान प्राप्त हो सके।

इस प्रस्तुति में केवल हम महर्षि पराशर के जीवन प्रसंगों के विषय को प्रदर्शित करेंगे बल्कि उनके द्वारा की गयी भविष्यवाणियाँ, राक्षस जाति का संहार, राजा मनोजव को दिव्य अस्त्रों का उपयोग और अभ्यास सिखाने से लेकर उसके खोए हुए राज्य को एक आक्रमणकारी,अत्याचारी,मायावी राजा से युद्ध करके वापस दिलाने तक की कथा सविस्तार दिखाने का प्रयास करेंगे।

हमारा आपसे अनुरोध है कि इस प्रस्तुति को बनाने में हमारा सहयोग दें। इस प्रस्तुति को बनाने के लिए हमें आर्थिक तकनीकी सहायता की आवशयकता है । यह प्रस्तुति एक या एक से अधिक विकल्पों में प्रदर्शित की जा सकती है जैसे कि कॉमिक्स / ग्राफिक नोवेल्स, वेब सीरीज एनीमेशन (यूट्यूब, नेटफ़्लिक्स, अमेज़न प्राइम, सिनेमा घर) या फिर जीवंत एक्शन फिल्म। इस परियोजना की सफलता पूरी तरह से इस बात पर निर्भर करती है की भविष्य में हमें सहायता किस प्रकार की मिलेगी। यदि कोई संस्था,प्रकाशन या फिनांसर इस प्रोजेक्ट से जुड़ना चाहें तो हमसे इस ई - मेल एड्रेस पर संपर्क कर सकते हैं। tusharentstudio@gmail.com

यदि व्यक्तिगत रूप से हमारे प्रोजेक्ट में योगदान देना चाहते हैं तो आपका स्वागत है।