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Friday, April 26, 2024

Building a character for Animation in easy steps - part 1- Free learning course | Morpix studio

 नमस्कार प्रिय दर्शकों स्वागत है आपका मॉर्पिक्स स्टूडियो के ट्यूटोरियल वीडियो में। दोस्तों, इस वीडियो में आप जानेंगे कि किस तरह अलग-अलग कैरैकटरस का रेफरेंस लेकर एक नया कैरेकटर बनाया जा सकता है और साथ ही हम सीखेंगे, इस कैरेकटर को कैसे लेयर वाइज कंपोज करना है ताकि इसके हर पार्ट को आसानी से एनिमेट किया जा सके।

Welcome to the tutorial video by Morpix Studio. In this video, you will learn how to create a new character by drawing inspiration from various characters. Additionally, we will explore how to compose this character layer by layer, facilitating easy animation for each part.

दोस्तों, क्या आपमें ड्रॉइंग की कमी है? आपमें सीखने का उत्साह तो है लेकिन प्रॉपर गाइडेंस की कमी के कारण आगे नहीं बढ़ पा रहे? अगर आप भी आर्ट और एनिमेशन इंडस्ट्री में अपना करियर और नाम बनाना चाहते हैं तो आपका स्वागत है मोरपिक्स स्टूडियो के इस फ्री लर्निंग कोर्स में। जिसमें आप ड्रॉइंग, एनिमेशन, Vfx, सीन कॉम्पोजिटिंग, एडिटिंग, साउंड डिजाइनिंग और बहुत कुछ सीखने वाले हैं। Hello dear viewers, Welcome to the tutorial video by Morpix Studio. In this video, you will learn how to create a new character by drawing inspiration from various characters. Additionally, we will explore how to compose this character layer by layer, facilitating easy animation for each part. Friends, are you lacking in drawing? Do you have enthusiasm to learn but are not able to move forward due to lack of proper guidance? If you also want to make your career and name in the art and animation industry, then welcome to this free learning course of Morpix Studio. In which you are going to learn Drawing, Animation, Vfx, Scene Compositing, Editing, Sound Designing and much more. Building a character for Animation in easy steps - part 1- Free learning course | Morpix studio

Building a character for animation - part02 | Completing the figure | photoshop Easy learning

 Friends, are you lacking in drawing? Do you have enthusiasm to learn but are not able to move forward due to lack of proper guidance? If you also want to make your career and name in the art and animation industry, then welcome to this free learning course of Morpix Studio. In which you are going to learn Drawing, Animation, Vfx, Scene Compositing, Editing, Sound Designing and much more.

Building a character for Animation in easy steps - part 1- Free learning course | Morpix studio

 Welcome to the Free animation course, Character building tutorial video by Morpix Studio. In this photoshop easy learning video, you will learn how to create animated characters. Characterize by drawing inspiration from various characters. Additionally, we will explore how to compose this character layer by layer, facilitating easy Step-by-step animation for each part.

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Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Exploring New Animation Techniques for Effortless Video Creation

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content creation, animation has become a powerful tool for storytellers and creators to bring their ideas to life. From explainer videos to captivating short films, animation offers boundless opportunities for creativity. However, traditional animation techniques often require significant time, skill, and resources, making the process daunting for many aspiring creators.

Fortunately, advancements in technology have paved the way for new animation techniques that streamline the process and make it more accessible to a wider audience. In this blog, we'll explore some of these innovative techniques that can help creators produce high-quality animations with ease.

1. Motion Capture:

Motion capture technology has revolutionized the way animators bring characters to life. Instead of manually animating every movement, motion capture allows creators to record real-life movements and translate them into digital animation. This technique not only saves time but also adds a level of realism to the animation that is difficult to achieve with traditional methods.

With the availability of affordable motion capture devices and software, creators can now capture motion using simple setups such as webcams or smartphones. This accessibility has democratized motion capture, enabling creators with varying levels of expertise to incorporate realistic movement into their animations effortlessly.

2. Character Rigging and Puppet Animation:

Character rigging involves creating a digital skeleton for characters, allowing animators to manipulate them like puppets. This technique simplifies the animation process by providing pre-built rigs with customizable controls for various movements and expressions. Creators can simply drag and drop these rigs into their scenes and animate them using intuitive interfaces, eliminating the need for manual frame-by-frame animation.

Puppet animation takes character rigging a step further by enabling real-time manipulation of characters through controllers or input devices. This interactive approach to animation empowers creators to improvise and iterate quickly, resulting in more dynamic and engaging animations.

3. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs):

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a form of artificial intelligence that can generate realistic images and animations based on input data. By training GANs on vast datasets of existing animations, creators can leverage these AI-driven tools to automate the animation process. GANs can generate in-between frames, interpolate movements, and even create entirely new animations based on user input.

While GANs are still in their infancy in the field of animation, they hold immense potential for revolutionizing the way animations are created. As the technology continues to mature, we can expect to see GANs playing a more significant role in automating repetitive tasks and assisting animators in generating complex animations more efficiently.

Real-Time Rendering Engines:

Image credit Wikipedia

Real-time rendering engines have become increasingly sophisticated, allowing creators to visualize and iterate on their animations in real-time. These engines leverage the power of modern graphics hardware to render high-quality animations instantaneously, eliminating the need for time-consuming rendering processes.

With real-time rendering engines, creators can make adjustments to lighting, textures, and camera angles on the fly, providing immediate feedback and speeding up the production pipeline. This real-time workflow not only enhances efficiency but also fosters creativity by enabling experimentation and iteration without the constraints of traditional rendering methods.

In conclusion, the landscape of animation is evolving rapidly, driven by advancements in technology and tools that make the creation process more accessible and efficient than ever before. By embracing these new animation techniques, creators can unlock new possibilities for storytelling and expression, bringing their ideas to life in ways that were once unimaginable. Whether you're a seasoned animator or a newcomer to the world of animation, there has never been a better time to explore the endless potential of this dynamic art form.